Welcome to our health and wellness hub
It is estimated that 2 in 5 Australians aged 16 to 85 will experience a mental health condition in their lifetime. Therefore, it is highly likely that at some point in their life, mental health and wellbeing issues will affect everyone either directly or indirectly.
Staying active and belonging to a club is a great way to support people’s mental and physical health. Masters Swimming clubs across the state do a great job providing healthy and active communities for adult swimmers of all ages and abilities.
Masters Swimming WA cares deeply about the mental health and wellbeing of our members. That’s why we strongly endorses the Act Belong Commit message and are working on initiatives to further support our members wellbeing.
This hub and our Mental health Champion network are aimed at providing further resources and support for members mental health. For more information, resources and support contacts visit
Act Belong Commit and True Sport
Mental Health Champions
While we are not mental health experts (click here for links to mental health expert services), we know that our Masters clubs pay a pivotal role in promoting positive wellbeing outcomes for the community. That is why we are developing a Mental Health Champion network amongst our clubs. Mental Health Champions are representatives from sporting organisations who work to promote a mental health agenda in their individual organisations. No qualifications are needed and resources are available to help anyone act as a Mental Health Champion in their club.
Mental Health Champions are not there to provide counselling or psychological guidance but are instead people who are interested in sharing resources and promoting positive mental health messages. Some example resources that can be shared and promoted in your community are provided below.
Interested in joining the champion group and to create awareness for mental health in the swimming community?
Contact Rhys King for more information. masters.admin@mswa.asn.au
There are some great mental health resources available that you can share and utilise within your community. See below for some of our favourite resources that would be useful in a Master’s club setting as well as for all our swimmers out on the community.
Visit Act Belong Commit and True Sport for many more resources
Swimming for life – Events
Stay tuned for upcoming events and initiatives promoting positive mental health and wellbeing from our Masters Clubs as well as collaborations in the community that you can get involved in.
Swimming is a sport for life
Whether you are swimming for lifestyle, competition, social reasons or overall wellbeing, swimming is something you can do for life and is great for stress relief and boost your mood.
If you have a photo or story showing how your club supports and inspires a positive mental health and wellbeing, let us know. #mastersformentalhealth #swimforlife
Event experiences
Got an event experience that creates awareness for mental health and brings in a sense of fun. We love collaborating with local community experiences and club activities that encourage swimming for life. Let us know we we can promote below.
Apply for a mental health week grant to host an event at your club or within the swimming community during the week 5 – 12 October. Learn more here.
Our partners
We are grateful for our partners that support us in encouraging the community in Swimming for Life, as well as Act Belong Commit for providing resources to improve the mental health of every athlete no matter the sport, age, background.
If your business or organising is interested in supporting MSWA to promote positive mental health outcomes in the community, please contact masters.admin@mswa.asn.au