Posted on Thursday 22nd July, 2021

Setting Records at Non-Masters Swimming Events

The Masters Swimming Australia Rules state that Masters swimmers can potentially set records at swim meets conducted by Affiliated Associations such as Swimming Western Australia (SWA).

Relevant Rules:

  • SW any swim meet involving two or more clubs that has been sanctioned by the Association or any of its affiliated branches;
  • SW any official Swimming Australia meet, including those conducted or sanctioned by affiliated State Associations;
  • SW 12.6.15M The Branch Recorder shall verify all records that are broken or established and notify the National Recorder within 30 days of the meet in the stipulated format.

In accordance with these rules, a Masters Swimming WA (MSWA) swimmer may join a SWA club and register to swim at one of their sanctioned swim meets.  Additionally, a swimmer may also join and compete at swim meets sanctioned by any other Affiliated Association.


Verifying Records

Swimmers seeking to have a potential State (WA) or National Masters record verified, are required to complete the appropriate form and forward it to the State Recorder, using the following email, within 7 days of the swim meet.

Your request will be reviewed by the State Recorder and, if eligible, this will be forwarded to MSA Referee(s) for approval.

The State Recorder will also check for a potential National record and, if eligible, this will be forwarded to the National Recorder for verification.