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Stadium Masters Swim for Memory


June 23 @ 9:00 am 1:00 pm

HBF Stadium, 100 Stephenson Ave, Mt Claremont
25M Pool

Gather your clubs, your friends and your families for this fun relay challenge for all ages and levels. There are some great tophies up for grabs including who can swim the most last of the 25m pool in the allocated 1 hour.

Other awards include the team that swims closest to their predicted number of laps plus the team with the highest fundraising efforts.

Entries close at midnight on Wednesday, June 19th.


$40 Registration plus pool entry ( see flyer for pool entry costs)



Swimming clubs and groups are invited to enter freestyle teams of four. Team members may swim in any order and any proportion of the one hour as long as all team. Two teams may share a lane by mutual consent.


Please process and email your team entries (name of team, names of swimmers and their ages, plus estimated team swim distance in the hour) to Barry Green at barryjohngreen@yahoo.com.au

To assist in running the event could teams please supply a timekeeper/recorder for their swim.

100 Stephenson Ave
Mt Claremont, WA 6010 Australia
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